Professional specialist translations
We can translate text into almost any language for you. We can prepare a translation into 42 world languages in different foreign language combinations. You can rely on specialist knowledge with us. We have experienced translators drawn from among the ranks of technicians, doctors, accountants and lawyers.
After the text is translated by the translator, our project managers check for any typos and also whether the translation is graphically consistent with the original.
We can do specialist translations for you for the same price as translating a normal text.
Translating technical documents
Do you need to translate a technical document containing a lot of diagrams, drawings or descriptions? Our graphic designers and DTP operators can process translated documents with complex graphics and formatting.
For more important translations, websites or materials intended for publication abroad, we recommend proofreading by a native speaker. They check the text both grammatically and stylistically and ensure that there are no imperfections in the text.
Ready-to-print translations
Ready to print translations are specially prepared in the DTP studio. After the translation, the text still undergoes proofreading by the native speaker. Subsequently, it is sent to the graphic designer in the DTP studio where it is cut and edited. Before we send it back to you or directly to the printers, the text is proofread a final time before printing. We will also be happy to arrange the printing of your publication and you can look forward to the finished material without any more worries.
Sworn translations or translations with a round stamp
Sworn translations are performed by a translator authorized by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic to perform official translations, who is listed in the register of experts, interpreters and translators.
For this kind of translation, you need to have the original document or a notarised copy, which will be bound to the translations. It also includes the translator’s declaration of the authenticity of the translation that the (known as the “translator’s clause”), circular stamp and translator’s signature.
Free collection and delivery of documents
We can arrange free collection and delivery for certified translations to your home or office in Košice, Bratislava and the surrounding areas.