Price calculation
We can prepare a free no-strings price calculation for you
You won’t find an exact price list on our site. The price for a translation depends on several factors: the length of the translation, the language combination, the required delivery date and whether it is a standard or certified translation.
However, if you fill out the Quick Inquiry form, we’ll send you free information about the price and delivery date.
For documents where we can determine the exact length of the source text, we will send you a final calculation.
For documents where it is not possible to determine the exact length of the source text, we will send you a preliminary calculation, i.e. an estimated price. This applies in particular for handwritten texts or non-editable documents. The final price for this type of translation will be available only after the exact length of the translated text in the target language is known.
If you have special requirements for us, please contact us at or by telephone.
How quickly can we translate a text with 12 600 characters?
Normal deadline: 3 working days
Quick service for a fee: 2 working days
Express service for a fee: within 24 hours